Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blog Post #16--Final Reflection/Final Exam

Part One:

This past semester in EDM 310 I have seen many different technology based tools and new ways to teach using these tools. In August I posted my first blog answering the question, If I built a school, what would it be like? . While I still agree with many of my ideas of the ideal school, there are many that I would change based on what I have learned in this class.

In my new dream school I would still be teaching a class of 2nd graders English and reading, while they will have other teachers teaching math, science, history, art, music, foriegn language, and PE. These classes would be very small because students can learn better when they are in smaller classes and have more of the teacher's attention. While I still feel that the idea of putting children into grades based on ability rather than age is great, there are many drawbacks making this plan very improbable. For one, students may get very discouraged if they do not pass a class and move ahead with their peers. However, this should still be an important factor in determining where students should be in school and what they need to focus on. Instead of the original testing, students will take one test at the begining of the year. This test will cover ACCRS standards that they should have learned in the previous year. After evaluating each student's test they will be put into small groups inside the class. These groups will stay together all year and students will work with each other in order to learn. Groups will all have a chance to work on the class computers (assume that there are only 2-3 per class and nobody has a personal device), complete group projects (PBL), and help each other study. While everyone in the group will have a similar deficiency they will all be able to help each other.

What do I want my students to know?

I would still expect my students to learn how to read, write, and speak with proper English grammar suitable for a 2nd grade level. While some cases have shown that teenagers and young adults sometimes use texting language when writing instead of correct English. While this is still a problem, students will still be encouraged to use technology as a learning tool. Students will be able to go onto the class webpage, that will be filled with links to safe, kid-friendly, educational games and resources relating to what is being learned in class, and use find webpages that will help them study and learn.

What do I want my students to be able to do?

Even after EDM 310 I still feel that it is important, especially for younger students who are still learning the basics of writing, to be able to write well both on paper and typed on a computer. Students will turn in writing assignments that are hand-written in class, but later either at home or in the school's library they will transfer the written sentences (or paragraph) to the computer and post it on their own personal blogs. This will allow for them to get feedback from many different people.

What will be my primary way of teaching my students what I want them to know and to do?

Primarily I will use PBL (project-based learning) in my classroom. This is a great way for students to learn and enjoy doing so. While students may sometimes object to having to work in a group and having their grades depend on others, this is a good way to have students teach themselves and be fully involved in the learning process. These projects would only be assigned after the teacher goes over the needed material. While it is important for students to be engaged and trying to find answers for themselves, they are still only in 2nd grade and need guidence and a little help.

What tools will I use in my classroom?

While I still feel that teaching reading can be achieved without the use of new technology tools, there are some benefits of these new technological devices. E-readers will be a very helpful tool to use in the classroom because most have a dictionary tool already on them. This will help young readers understand what they are reading. I still like the idea of doing art projects. This can be done through PBL, project based learning. This will more actively involve students in the learning process. I will also use Smartboard during lessons. This will help to keep students involved with learning on a daily basis. Skype will also be an important tool in my classroom. This will allow for students to hear from guest speakers more often, giving them a chance to hear from somebody else, who is a professional in a given field and may be better able to answer questions. Hopefully, students will feel more obligated to listen to a guest speaker and want to ask questions. While all of these new technology-based tools are very good and useful, it is still important that students learn how to learn without these tools. Students will have access to paper dictionaries and books and they will have some PBL activities that are not computer or other technology tool based.

What role will students play in my classroom? How will they participate in the learning process?

Students will play a very active role in the classroom. EDM 310 has shown me the advantages of PBL. These projects will require students to work together to find an answer to a problem or question. Students will be actively looking for information while doing a fun and engaging project. While in my first post I said that I would focus on group work is still accurate. The group work will be even better because it will be project based. I believe that having the students active in the learning process will make them interested in learning and want to continue to do so.

Part Two:

1 comment:

  1. Good! I hope you continue learning about more technology after this class!
