"Mr. Dancealot" Video
This video shows how lecture teaching does not lead to any actual learning. In the video the teacher stood behind his desk and lectured the entire semester, without once actually properly demonstrating the dance steps to his students. While he did try to show his class the steps he did so behind his desk where nobody could see his feet. In addition, he would not allow students to be active participants in class. The teacher quickly stopped students who tried to ask each other about the class or who tried to follow along with the dance steps. While this video may seem a bit extreme to some it does show some very crucial aspects of the education system as needing improvement. The main problem that is shown in this video is how the standard lecture class does not work. In the video while Mr. Dancealot was teaching students had no way of engaging in the class. While some people may argue that students should ask questions during the lecture as a way of engaging, this does not work. Many teachers do not like to be interrupted with questions and so will not answer any during class. In my own experience some teachers feel like questions are only asked as a means to get them off track so that the lesson will not be finished. Because of this false belief many students are forced to just listen and wonder. A second problem shown in the video is students being so bored that they fell asleep. This is also caused by lack of student involvement. Students need to be active participants in class. Humans are only able to listen attentively for about twenty minutes; no student can just sit and pay attention to the teacher for an entire class. The primary problem with Mr. Dancealot's lack of student involvement is that nobody can learn. When it came time for the final not a single student could dance. It would not matter how many facts Mr. Dancealot gave them, such as the test being open book and open note, students learn by doing. This is the same for any age student. Overall, Mr. Dancealot truly failed to teach his students and give them any useful information or skill.
"Flipping the Classroom--4th Grade STEM
Alyssa Sherman
Ms. Manofo states in her video several reasons why flipping is being implemented in her school. At first glance her ideas sound fantastic; every child will get the most out of his or her education. However, while the idea of teaching students their lesions the night before class seems like a great idea, there are some major flaws that cannot be overlooked.
First and most importantly how can students learn new information, especially in math, if they cannot ask questions while learning? In the video Ms. Manofo says that the idea behind flipping is so that students can come to class prepared having already done some problems. But what if a student does not understand? It is crucial, especially in math, for students to ask questions as soon as they do not understand something. How can a student do any practice problems if he or she does not understand how to solve the problem? While some students may feel more prepared for class after already hearing the lessons, this will not work for everyone.
A second flaw of the flipping system, as mentioned in the video, is that not every student has a home computer. While students would be allowed to use a school computer in the morning, this plan is not very effective. Students in this situation would have a major disadvantage since they cannot do their homework the night before. Also, the main idea of flipping is to have students prepared for class lessons; this cannot be done when not every student can hear the lesson and prepare the night before.
While the idea of flipping does have its bad sides, there are some benefits that were mentioned in the video. Students would have the opportunity to see and hear the lesson ahead of class. This would allow students to come to class ready to work, and, hopefully, with questions. This would allow for better use of class time. Another benefit of flipping is that students could watch the lesson as many times as necessary for them to understand. This would allow students to learn at their own pace.
Ms. Manofo makes some very excellent points in her video about the benefits of flipping, but she does not mention some crucial aspect of this plan. For this system to work some changes need to be made in the plan. However, the idea of flipping could be very beneficial to students overall.
"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
Haley Marrs
Vicki Davis is an outstanding IT director and teacher in rural Georgia who has used digital citizenship to teach her students about technology. As stated in the video, Davis likes to call herself a “teacherprenuer” because she customizes her curriculum according to the students she has in the classroom, based on their strengths and interests. Davis is focused on teaching her students to learn how to learn, teaching them new software, how to blog and communicate effectively using online resources and how to generally be comfortable with technology as a whole.
She mentions several times that she is teaching her students to learn how to learn. This is evident in the video where you see the students individually interacting with technology and she is watching and participating herself by asking questions to challenge their thinking and skills. Davis has her curriculum and introduces it to her students then it is expected of the students learn how to complete the request at hand. In this particular case these high school students are learning about terraforming, which is a new term to them, and she expects them to look it up and learn to learn. This reminds me of a popular motto by Dr. Strange, “Never tell, always ask”. This is an effective way of teaching because the student has to seek the answer rather than just being told. This allows the teacher to motivate the students to think, just as I did when I personally had to Google the term terraforming for this video.
Not only does Mrs. Davis have these students searching for information but they also have the opportunity to teach one another and in this case they have taught the teacher. Davis justifies teachers do not always have to be educated on what they want their students to learn because it is a chance for the student to be a teacher, as this empowers them and they can share with each other. As you see in the video, the students have an opportunity to stand in front of the class and teach their peers which promotes networking skills. These students are blogging with people from around the world and really collaborating with them to learn about other cultures and ways of learning. She has proven herself to be effective by empowering them to embark outside of this rural Southern community by connecting them to the world.
The Network Student: Network Student Video
Kayla Szymanski
What a simple, yet powerful video. Kevin Roberts did a great job at compiling the reasons why PLN's are such vital parts of our students educational growth. The question is asked after watching this video, why do students even need teachers anymore in the 21st century? Even though students can basically teach themselves using tools offered by PLN's today there are a few things that teachers can also offer that are beneficial as well.
Teachers are the ones who help students build their PLN's and help the students take advantage of these great learning opportunities. Without the teacher showing their students these tools they would never know they existed. Also teachers can offer their guidance when the students get stuck on a particular problem. It is so much easier when you can just ask questions and get results back, this is the teachers job.
The teachers also show the students how to communicate properly and ask respectfully for help from experts. If the students did not have teachers to show them what grammar mistakes they were making the world would be one huge error. Teachers are still needed in the 21st century even though there are plenty of teaching tools free on the web. This is why it is so crucial for teachers of the 21st century to be computer and technologically literate.
And lastly the teacher shows the students how to sort out good information and propaganda while they learn on their personal network system. Also the teacher must show the student how to turn a web search into a fun excited way to learn. Students can be self taught all day long, but they need that encouragement to keep going. This is almost the same instance as the last blog post we did. The children were teaching themselves English and other things way above there time, but yet they still needed encouragement every now and then to keep going. It is a proven and tested fact, teachers will be around in the 21st century and even after that.
"Teaching in the 21st Century"
Katy Mehrer
What does it mean to teach in the 21st century? Teaching in the 21st century, according to the video “Teaching in the 21st Century”, was talking about how computers have such an impact on children of today. I don’t believe that to be completely true; however, I do feel like it is important for children to learn about computers and how to use them. What I don’t agree on is them having to use them in elementary school. Google has been a big part of looking things up for kids, but I believe that most kids that are using these tools are the children in upper schooling. Most kids learn from themselves with using computers. Teaching in the 21st century is a lot like it was in the 20th century. When I was in school, we still had computer labs, and different things to do with computers. I don’t believe it is a must do to teach with computers. I know quite a few things about computers. That is why we have computer classes in college. If you would like to know more about computers, than take a class. That is my opinion on the 21st century teaching
Alyssa, you have done well providing feedback on your video. I like how you summarize the video and pose more questions and information about what you saw. It is clear to me that you thought long and hard about your response. There is one word that I think may be misspelled. Did you mean "lessons?"
ReplyDelete"However, while the idea of teaching students their lesions the night before class seems like a great idea, there are some major flaws that cannot be overlooked."
I also noticed an abundance of the word "this" throughout your writing. Do not be afraid to mix it up a bit and use other words to phrase your writing. Overall you make some interesting points and I enjoyed reading.
They key problem with your post is that you do not explain in your first paragraph what flipping is. I know. Most of your readers will not.
ReplyDelete"...some changes need to be made in the plan." What changes? And why?
Haley has offered some good suggestions.