Blog Post: Are traditional projects still functional and compatible in the 21st century? Can you transform one of you're old projects?
Create a quality blog post explaining a typical day in YOUR old elementary school classroom (K5-6th). You can describe a typical day with something you learned or a project you enjoyed. Then create a Google Presentation where you recreate this lesson plan/project using a 21st century technology tool to enhance the lesson/project. DO NOT BAD-MOUTH OR PUT DOWN A TEACHER!!!!
4th Grade Science Project--The Digestive System
In fourth grade we were studying the human body in science. My teacher, Ms. Spenser, created an amazing project! We made digestive system t-shirts. This became a huge project for us. We drew our digestive system on the t-shirt and got to have a "party" in class that Friday; this day was called "Inside-Out Day. We all wore our t-shirts and we each brought some excellent, and healthy, food. While we ate, Ms. Spenser told us how the food we ate affected our digestive systems. For many of my classmates and I this was the first nutrition lesson we had and the first time we really began to understand how our bodies worked. I can still remember this lesson today and keep her nutritional information in mind.
4th Grade Science Project--The Digestive System
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